Repair Request
Your massage chairs are designed to give you many years of excellent performance. However like all machines, on rare occasions, you may encounter a malfunction or breakdown. We value your business and your satisfaction is our number one priority.
- In order to better serve you, we have following guidelines and process.
- In the event or breakdown, do not attempt to repair the chair by yourself. Repair should be done by authorized and trained technicians.
- Only genuine parts by RELAXONCHAIR should be used. Other brand or non-genuine parts would void our warranty.
Overview of repair process
- Customer needs to fill out repair request below and submit the form.
- Our customer service team will review your request and contact you either via email or by phone to confirm your request and to diagnose issues with your massage chair.
- We will provide parts and labor according to the remainder of warranty coverage. If the repair is not covered under warranty, we will send you repair estimate for you to pay.
- After payment has been cleared, we will arrange repair process.
- A field service technician will call you to set up in-house visit for repair.
- A 2nd visit by service technician to complete repair if necessary.
Note: Step 3 to 5 can be done in a different order depending on individual cases. On a rare occasion, when a field service technician is not available, RELAXONCHAIR will provide alternative solutions to resolve issues.